North West farm officials to raise concerns over new forestry plan
Today’s AGM of the IFA will hear the concerns of local officials today in relation to more land in the north west being used to plant additional forestry. Farmers believe they should have the first option when it comes to planting trees. They’re furious over a deal struck…
AGRI WEEK Climate Action Bill, IFA Day of Protest, UK & third county deals
After a fairly significant week in agricultural circles, the ‘Agri Week’ show reflects back on some of the key issues and how they will impact the local region. A quick recap of the past week: We had the Climate Action bill passed in the Dái yesterday. Details emerged…
IFA President welcomes changes to nursing home scheme
Changes to the State’s nursing home scheme reducing the financial burden on farmers is “long overdue”. That’s according to the Irish Farmers’ Association after Cabinet signed off on amendments to the Fair Deal scheme. New legislation will introduce a three-year cap on financial contributions for farmers and small…
Agri Week: Beef Regulator must be afforded proper powers. Farmers return ringside at marts. Government urged to fight European Council of Ministers
Coming up on the Show this week: 01.45 Tim Cullinan demands that the new Food Regulator be able to hold processors and retailer to account. The IFA presidents wants the new position to have full powers of investigation and have the ability to impose sanctions. 09.10 Farmers will be allowed…
Retailers & bogus creameries, the right to save turf, fishery funding & rising land prices – Agri Week
The IFA President Tim Cullinan has criticised retailers Aldi and Lidl for their aggressive and misleading strategy to drag down the price paid to fresh milk producers. The leading farming official claimed that if the strategy continues unchecked, there is a risk of a shortage of milk on shop…
Agri Week: Irish beef farmers need protection from lower standard brands. Recgonation for Irish Islands Marine Research Organisation. Beef Prices on the up.
On Agri Week: 01.35 The IFA President Tim Cullinan on the importance that Irish and European beef farmers to be protected from the import of beef produced under lower standards than EU beef. The IFA President claims there is a serious contradiction between EU Commission’s trade policy…
Licensing backlog must be addressed before new forestry plan can proceed
The IFA President Tim Cullinan has claimed the announcement by Minister Pippa Hackett that the EU has approved an extension of the forestry programme for 2021 will have no real impact unless the licensing backlog is addressed. The farm official says that we have a Minister announcing grants…