Large number of refugees to arrive in Dromahair in the coming weeks
Concern has been expressed in Leitrim regarding the arrival of a significant number of refugees. The old Abbey Manor hotel in Dromahair is in the process of being refurbished in order to house up to 155 refugees. It’s thought that a mix of families with children and single men will…
Leitrim County Council unsatisfied with response regarding lengthy power cut
The response from the ESB regarding a nine-hour power outage some months ago has been labelled unsuitable by Leitrim County Council. The matter was discussed at the last meeting of Manorhamilton Municipal District. The council felt that the answer given regarding the lengthy power cut didn’t deal with the matter…
What is the future for Dromahair Hotel
Recently residents in the village of Dromahair have lodged several calls to OceanFM looking to establish what the owners of the Abbey Hotel intend to do with the building. The uncertainly of its future uses has got the rumour mill working in the North Leitrim areas with suggestions the…
Postmasters threaten industrial action
There could be postal disruption in store at Post Offices across the north west. Postmasters are warning they could stage industrial action over their mounting frustration with An Post and the Government. They will hold an emergency meeting next Monday to consider balloting for action. They’re expressing…
Minister McConologue to meet with farmers impacted by Leitrim landslide
The Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalouge will visit Drumkeerin later today where he is expected to meet with local farmers and landowners impacted by the landslide which took place on Shass Mountain in June of last year. Minister McConalogue will be accompanied by the Minister of State at the…
Drumkeerin residents fear further landslides
Another Major landslide on the side of a mountain in Co Leitrim is highly likely according to the latest report into the incident by the EPA. Thousands of tonnes of peat was dislodged on to local roads and farms on the Dawn of Hope Bridge near Shass Mountain in…
Leitrim Councillors urge Martin not to enter government
The six elected Fianna Fáil Councillors in Leitrim have written to the Party leader, Michael Martin urging him not to enter into government with Fine Gael and the Green Party. The councillors have raised concerns about Green policies and how it will impact rural Ireland. The Councillors collectively…