Green Party Representative looks to implement European practices to highlight help is available for those suffering domestic abuse
A Leitrim representative for the Green Party says the increase in calls to helplines such as ISPCCC shows more needs to be done in order to promote these vital services. Unfortunately a stark increased was reported in the number of children looking for assistance when it comes to abusive…
Local representative for Good Energies Alliance Ireland challenges fossil fuel companies to play their part in cleaner environment
A former election candidate in the north west and representative for Good Energies Alliance Ireland has called on Fossil fuels companies to play their part in helping Ireland achieve a higher environmental grade. The Government has been given a C-plus grade for progress on climate issues. Independent experts…
Former election candidate says re-opening power stations is like attempting to blow life into a corpse
A former local election candidate in the north west is strongly criticising moves by a group of rural TDs to re-open power generating stations at Lanesboro and Shannonbridge. The proposals were included in a number of measures to tackle the cost of living crisis. The rural group called for…
O Hora calls for a ‘moratorium’ on Hen & Stag Parties
A former local and general election candidate in the north west has called for an immediate moratorium to be imposed on Hen and Stagg parties. Leslie O Hora has made the calls after a number of people have lost their lives while attending such events in recent times at…
Enniscrone youngster joins the crew of Argentine Tall Ship
A county Sligo youngster is one of a number of Mayo/Sligo youth volunteers from Atlantic Youth Trust are currently aboard the Argentine Tall Ship, Libertine The volunteers spent the night sailing north of Donegal close to the Mull of Kintyre. The presence of the tall ship has attracted…
Ballinaglera landslide causing concern among locals
A Spokesperson on behalf of Good Energies Alliance Ireland says there are genuine concerns being expressed by those living in Ballinaglera over the impact that the recent landslide which occurred there this week will have on farms, the quality of water and existing forests in the area. A landslide…
O’Hora: Ireland ‘late to the game’ in using renewable energy for home heating
Ireland continues to be the worst performer in the EU when it comes to using renewable energy for home heating. Only 6% of our homes are heated using renewable sources, according to Eurostat; the Netherlands is also tied with us at the bottom. Local Green Party representative Leslie O’Hora says…