24 people waiting for a bed in the North West today
There are 24 people on trolleys in the North West today. There are 20 people waiting on wards and in the Emergency Department at letterkenny University Hospital and 4 people at Sligo University Hospital. That’s according to the latest figures from the irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.
Sligo consultant warns trolley crisis will get worse
The emergency medical consultant at Sligo University Hospital says the trolley crisis across the country is only going to get worse. In March this year, 714 people were recorded on trolleys nationwide, the highest number ever recorded in a single day. While according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation’s,…
Hundreds turn up to protest at Letterkenny University hospital
Hundreds of people turned up to protest at the lack of Hospital resources at Letterkenny University Hospital yesterday. The event is the latest organised by the ‘Still Waiting Campaign’ which has been setup to highlight the issues currently affecting irelands hospitals and health services. Recently, Letterkenny had the highest number…
Thousands of new beds promised for Irish hospitals
The Irish Nurses and Midwives organisation is welcoming the news of additional beds and investment in hospitals announced in the National planning Framework yesterday. 2,600 acute hospital beds and 4,500 community beds are to be provided along with investment of €10.9b in the health sector. Sligo University Hospital is to…
Information evening for volunteers to play with children in hospital
An information evening for people interested in volunteering to play with sick children in Sligo University Hospital will take place this Thursday at 6pm. It had originally been planned for October 16th but had to be postpoined because of Storm Ophelia. The volunteers are organised by the charity Children in…
30 in North West waiting for a hospital bed
There are a total number of 30 people waiting for a hospital bed in the North West today. In Sligo University Hospital, there are 21 people waiting on beds while there are 9 people waiting in Letterkenny University Hospital. In Letterkenny, seven are on wards while two are in overflow…
Mayor calls for free hospital car parking for cancer patients
The Mayor of Sligo is urging Sligo University Hospital to provide free parking for patients undergoing cancer treatment. Currently patients using the oncology department at the hospital are paying €6 a day while Letterkenny hospital has an arrangement in place that means cancer patients undergoing treatment don’t pay. A report…