Direct Provision Centre in Sligo close to capacity
The direct provision centre in Sligo is close to capacity according to figures released by the Department of Justice. Globe House, which has a capacity for 218 people, is currently housing 212 occupants. The Reception and Integration Agency said last month that it was preparing to open three new direct…
Globe House residents call for the right to work
The Justice Minister is also facing increased pressure from residents of a Direct Provision centre in Sligo. Residents and campaigners with Globe House took to the streets of Sligo over the weekend calling for their basic right to work to be recognised. At the moment they cannot work while waiting…
Globe House resident says proposed changes ‘don’t go far enough’
Asylum seekers who spend more than nine months in direct provision without having their case decided are to be given the right to work. The changes, which are set to be approved in the coming week, will see a move away from the current system which doesn’t allow adults seeking…
Firm that runs Globe House in Sligo got €5.8m in 2016
The firm that runs Direct Provision centres for asylum seekers in Sligo town and in Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo, received €5.8 million last year. Bridgestock caters for about 500 asylum seekers. The €5.8m it received last year brings to €86 million the firm has received since 2000. Bridgestock has been providing…
Minister for Equality visits Globe House
The Minister for Equality, Immigration and Integration insists the facilities for asylum seekers in Ireland are more than adequate at the moment. Minister David Stanton made his comments after visiting the Globe House facility in Sligo last evening, one of the direct provision locations for asylum seekers. The Minister says…
Sligo Councillor calls for an end to Direct Provision
A motion is to come before a meeting of Sligo County Council today calling for an end to the Direct Provision system for asylum seekers. The local Direct Provision centre is at Globe House in Sligo where a resident recently went on hunger strike because he feared deportation back to…
Getting into asylum process was key to Iranian man ending hunger strike
Being allowed enter the asylum process in this country was what finally convinced a 44-year old Iranian man who was on hunger strike in Sligo for 36 days to end his fast yesterday afternoon. Amjad Rosstami, who is living in Globe House, a Direct Provision Centre in Sligo, went on…