Fears North West could lose allocation of new Garda recruits to Dublin
Concern is being expressed locally that the recent riots witnessed in Dublin will lead to the majority of new garda recruits being deployed to the capital at the expense of areas such as the North West. The concerns were aired at a recent JPC Meeting in Donegal. The…
16 new Garda recruits allocated to the north west
16 new Garda recruits are to be allocated to the North West region. 148 new recruits were sworn is member of An Garda Siochana bringing the total strength of the force to 14,411, 21 of these Gardaí were born outside of Ireland. 27% of the new recruits were women with…
12 Garda recruits from the North West graduate from Templemore
12 Garda recruits from the North West region graduated from Templemore today. In total 6 of those were from Sligo, 5 from Donegal and one was from Leitrim. Meanwhile 22 of the graduates have been allocated to stations in the north west region. The highest number of 15 have been…
Sixteen Garda recruits from the NW graduate in Templemore
Sixteen Gardai from Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim have graduated from Templemore Garda College today. And nine of the over 200 men and women who passed out today will be based in Letterkenny and Sligo Garda Station as part of the next phase of their training. The Garda Press Office has…