St Johns appoint new Senior Manager.
Following the announcement by Dara Mc Garty that he was stepping down as Senior team manager after successfully leading St Johns to Intermediate Championship success, the club are delighted to announce that Dara’s assistant of last year, Michael Mc Namara, has agreed to take on the role. Michael has a wealth of experience as a player with Sligo and also Sligo Rovers. He brings Ian Rossiter in as a selector and will retain the vital services of Gerry Quinn. He will complete his management team shortly. We wish them well as they strive to bring The Owen B Hunt cup to Carraroe for the first time
Gala Celebration Night
Our club’s gala celebration night 2018 took place last Sat in The Sligo Park Hotel. A great night’s fun was had by the large crowd that attended. Our Sligo Intermediate Champions were presented with their winners awards by the special guest Dermot Earley, former Kildare and Ireland footballer and an All Star on two occasions. There was also a reunion of the 2000 Sligo Intermediate Championship winning team. The Senior Player of the Year, Paul Mc Namara, was presented with The Mary Mc Garty perpetual cup and a replica in recognition of the fantastic year he had. The management of the senior team, Dara Mc Garty, Michael Mc Namara, Gerry Quinn, Fergal Kelly, Shane Stenson, Ray Henry, John Reilly and Owen Mc Lean were presented with trophies as a gesture of thanks from the players for all the hard work they had done in bringing success to the team. The MC for the night was the ever-reliable John Greene and when the formal proceedings finished the crowd danced into the early hours to Euninn’s Disco. The organising committee under Chairman Seamus Casey are to be complimented for their great work on what was truly a marvellous parish night out.
Operation Transformation
The Operation Transformation program began on Jan 8th with big numbers involved and all participants enjoyed the various activities. There is still some places available and if you still want to take part please contact 0852498067 to register. The program includes talks on nutrition, mindfulness, motivation and health as well as indoor fitness / pilates / yoga / bootcamp and fitness walks and it is a great opportunity to get back in shape after the excesses of the Christmas period. It is also a great way of getting out and meeting people.
Girls Football – Girls born in 2004 or 2005 – Your club needs you
St Johns GAA is going from strength to strength. Following on from the U12 up win in 2017 we hope to field an U14 team this year. To do this we need more numbers. So if you would like to try out gaelic football for the first time, played before but aren’t part of a team, or play with a different team and would like to return to your parish team, please contact Liam 086 2342302, Gerard 086 3774224 or Olivia 087 7782233. This could be the best call you ever make for your daughter socially, physically and emotionally. Imagine watching her proudly with a football in her hand instead of a mobile phone !
St John’s Lotto results
In the draw of Jan20th there was no winner of the Lotto Jackpot of E11,600 where the numbers drawn were 3, 17, 23, 32. The winners of the E25 consolation prizes were Cathal Walsh, C/O Crozon Inn; Cathriona and Mairead, Carraroe; Philip Morrison, Crozon Downs and Jack Rooney, Joe Mc Donnell Drive. The next draw will take place in The Crozon Inn on Sat. Feb 3rd at 11.00pm. Lotto tickets can be purchased in The Crozon Inn, Caltragh;Mc Morrow’s Shop, Cairns Rd.; The Blue Lagoon, Riverside; Cannings House and Garden, Cornageeha; Molly Fultons, Carraroe; Clifford Electrical, Carraroe or from club members