Sligo Grammar School teacher not worried about ‘dumbing down’ of English language
A senior teacher of English at Sligo Grammar School says he’s not worried about the ‘dumbing’ down of the English language today as more texting, emojis and ‘phone’ language become the ‘norm’ for young people. Day two of the State exams is underway and today Leaving Certs are doing English Paper…
Relief as the first of this year’s exams are done
Students at a school in the North West say they are relieved to have the first exam out of the way. More than seven thousand pupils at schools in Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal have now finished the first English paper this morning. For junior certs it was a new and…
7,000 students in North West get ready to start exams
A total of seven thousand students will begin their state exams in schools across Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal tomorrow. In County Sligo, 800 students will sit the junior certificate, with a similar number taking the leaving certificate. In County Leitrim, 500 junior certificate students will sit their first state exams…