Former Tanaiste says EU ‘reform’ not ‘exit’ needed
Two leading EU figures have issued fresh warnings against the UK voting to leave the Union next week. European Commission president Jean-Claude Junker says an ‘Out’ vote would open a period of major uncertainty, both in Britain and in the EU. And European Council president Donald Tusk says a Brexit…
Brexit: Blacklion and Belcoo don’t want to see return of border controls, customs posts
Most people around Blacklion, in County Cavan, and Belcoo, in County Fermanagh, do not want Britain to leave the EU. That’s because they do not wish to see the return of border controls and customs posts between the two border towns. British voters will go to the polls on June…
Border control restrictions will result from Bexit -McGuinness
Border controls between the north and south of Ireland would be inevitable should the UK leave the EU. That’s the view of the Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness. This week in the European Parliament Fine Gael’s four MEPs exchanged views with British MEPs from both sides of the in-out debate…
DUP MEP says farmers in the north face an uncertain future if UK remains
Farmers in Northern Ireland will face an uncertain future if the UK remains in the EU. That’s according to the Democratic Unionist Party MEP Diane Dodds who is in favour of a Brexit. The Northern Ireland MEP says the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy or CAP will provide less funding for…