Gardai discover children driving tractors at west Donegal event

Gardai have issued a warning over children driving tractors.


It’s after a number of 12 year olds were found to be driving the heavy machinery in west Donegal on the main N56 road over the weekend at a local tractor run event.


In a statement, Gardai say that some of them couldn’t reach the brake pedals nor did they have the strength to steer the tractors.


There were also 13 and 14 year olds driving tractors in the area.


Local Gardaí are now considering the consequences, and wish to thank all those who took part in the event and who were legally permitted to be on the roads.


They are also reminding all parents that a tractor run does not mean that participants are exempt from the rules of the road. Organisers have a duty of care to the public, as do the Gardaí. Thanks to the local Gardaí for protecting the integrity of our roads network for all users.
