Sunbeam Lodge Community Group Home in Carrick on Shannon was found to be in breach of up to nine regulations, according to the latest report by HIQA.
The inspection, which was unannounced, was carried on February 8th of this year, and was one of 29 inspections carried out around the country.
The home is ran by the provider North West Parents and Friends Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, and was noted as having a particularly high level of non-compliance, despite only having 3 residents at the time of the inspection.
Among the non-compliances found within the report were breaches on regulations regarding governance and management, statement of purpose, notification of incidents, general welfare and development, premises, risk management procedures, individual assessment and personal plans, positive behavioural report and protection.
Sunbeam Lodge Community Group Home will now have to issue HIQA with a full report with compliance plans to demonstrate how they will make improvements and come into compliance with the regulations.