Vincent Roddy expresses concern with European Parliament’s vote on Restoration Law
A local farming official has express his disappointment the European Parliament’s vote, on the EU Nature Restoration Law. The President of the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association says vote is a direct attack on farmers and communities in the North West/ Vincent Roddy has also expressed his…
INHFA calls for land designation reassessment
As discussions continue into the proposed Nature Restoration Law and its possible impact, the Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) have called for a reassessment of the SAC and SPA land designations that forms part of the Natura 2000 network. The INHFA believe the experience of the law has…
Irish Natura and Hill Farmers holding public meeting in Manorhamilton Friday
The Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association are hosting a public meeting on Friday in the Bee Park Centre Manorhamilton at 8pm over the new CAP programme. The new programme commences in 2023 and farmers are expecting to see an overall increase in Pillar 1 payments which is an increase…
Agri Week: Forestry jobs at risk, SEEFA call for Government actions and climate change impact on agriculture
On this week’s edition of Agri Week we talk to Enniscrone native Marina Conway from Western Forestry Co-op. Forestry group are appealing to Government to prevent demise of 12,000 jobs amid licensing crisis. A group called SEEFA Social Economic and environmental Association are appealing to the Government to take action.…
Climate change advisory recommendation has the potential to destroy local economies
A leading north West farming official has taken issue with the report issued by the Climate Change Advisory Council in relation to carbon budgets up to 2030. The report proposes a major reduction in our suckler herd as a means of delivering on our carbon targets. Sligo based…
New Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association President
The Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association will soon have a new president for the next two years. He is Vincent Roddy, who will succeed Colm O Donnell, at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting on the 27th of September. Since the establishment of the INHFA in the Spring of 2015,…
AGRI WEEK Climate Action Bill, IFA Day of Protest, UK & third county deals
After a fairly significant week in agricultural circles, the ‘Agri Week’ show reflects back on some of the key issues and how they will impact the local region. A quick recap of the past week: We had the Climate Action bill passed in the Dái yesterday. Details emerged…