Call for forestry companies to help pay for road maintenance
Thousands of rural jobs are forecasted in the forestry and timber industry as the supply from Irish forests is set to double over the next 16 years. That’s the view of Forest Industries Ireland, a new trade association for the sector. The FII estimates that by 2035 there will be…
Anti forestry protest taking place today
An anti forestry protest is due to take place this afternoon organised by the IFA. Concerns have been raised over the last number of weeks in relation to the amount of forestry that is currently happening in County Leitrim with reports suggesting that this could increase. Councillor Mary Bohan highlighted…
MacSharry: Planning and forestry hitting Leitrim hard
A Sligo/Leitrim TD is calling for the fast-tracking of a Dail bill to make it easier for people to get planning permission for one-off houses in rural Leitrim. There are fears that the Baill, introduced by Sinn Fein Deputy Martin Kenny, may be delayed so that recommendations from a rural…
Due to high forestry loads damaging roads a Leitrim councillor wants the situation monitored
A Leitrim Cllr is calling for the monitoring of roads in relation to the size of loads taken out during forestry extraction. Cllr Mary Bohan says that the size of loads being extracted near the Drumkeerin area are too large for the roads they are travelling on. She said while…
Leitrim Cllr says forestry will be a major issue on the doorsteps at upcoming elections
A Leitrim Councillor says forestry will be a huge issue on the doorsteps in Leitrim in the local elections next year. Councillor Justin Warnock has called for a ban on planting forestry in Leitrim until the County Development Plan is reviewed. The Fianna Fail Councillor is part of the Love…
Sligo/Leitrim TD introduces Bill in Dail to control forestry
A Sligo/Leitrim TD is introducing a Bill in the Dail calling for all forestry plantations over 12 acres, or five hectartes, to be subject to planning permission. At present, planning is required only for plantations over 50 hectares. Sinn Fein Deputy Martin Kenny says it’s over 30 years since Leitrim…
Bill imposing planning permission on forestry plantations brought before Dail
A bill has been brought before the Dail this week which would place a requirement for planning permission to be obtained for afforestation. Sligo Leitrim Sinn Fein Deputy Martin Kenny brought the bill before the Dail yesterday. Currently in Ireland, planning permission is only required when a forest is over…