Currency exchange rate, Thursday, July 20th
On the currency markets today, Thursday, July 20th, the euro is trading at 89 pence Sterling and one dollar and fifteen ($1.15)) cents.
Currency exchange rate, Friday, May 12th
On the currency markets today, Friday May 12th, the euro is trading at 85 pence Sterling and one dollar and one point-zero-nine (1.09) cents.
Currency exchange rates, Thursday, May 11th
On the currency markets today, Thursday May 11th, the euro is trading at 84 pence Sterling and one dollar and one point-zero-nine (1.09) cents.
Exchange rate, Wednesday, May 3rd,
On the currency markets today, Wednesday, May 3rd, the euro is trading at 84 pence Sterling and one dollar and nine cents.
Today’s Sterling, dollar exchange rates
The euro is trading today at 86 pence Sterling and one dollar and seven cents.
Today’s sterling, dollar exchange rates
The euro is trading today at 85 pence Sterling. The euro is almost on a par with the dollar — it’s trading at one dollar and six cents.