Gardaí renew appeal for information on Skreen aggravated burglary
Sligo Gardaí are renewing their appeal for information about an aggravated burglary that happened earlier this week. Gardaí are particularly interested in speaking to people who were travelling along the N59 at Skreen on Tuesday, the 18th of January between 5pm and 7pm. A man in his 70’s was brought…
Man receiving hospital treatment following an aggravated burglary in Skreen
Gardaí in Sligo are appealing for witnesses in relation to an aggravated burglary which took place yesterday evening. At approximately 7pm, a number of men forced their way into a property on the N59 at Skreen, and assaulted a man in his 70s. The injured man was brought…
Information sought in relation to aggravated burglary
Gardaí are investigating an incident of aggravated robbery which occurred on the N4 last Friday. The incident happened between Carrick on Shannon and Boyle around Carrick on Shannon Golf Club and Drumharlow Lake between 6:30pm and 7pm. Gardaí would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at…