Ours to Protect – Responsible Production
Aisling Heraughty this week takes a trip to St John’s National School in Sligo to hear their views on ‘responsible production’
The work of the Clean Coasts group – Ours to Protect
This week’s Ours to Protect focuses on the continued work of the Clean Coasts group, looking after beaches along the west coast – and its Regional Director, Olivia Jones, is our studio guest
The work of Enniscrone’s Men’s Shed – Ours to Protect
Aisling Heraughty takes a trip to the Men’s Shed in Enniscrone for this week’s Ours to Protect
Fast fashion and its environmental impact – Ours to Protect
This week’s Ours to Protect examines the environmental effects of ‘fast fashion’ and gets the views of some of the younger population. Presented by Aisling Heraughty
Ours to Protect – On the Turas Rothar
Aisling Heraughty is on her bike for this week’s Ours to Protect, joining the Turas Rothar in Sligo
Ours to Protect – National Tree Week
National Tree Week and associated events is celebrated on this week’s Ours to Protect with Aisling Heraughty
Ours to Protect – On location with The Sligo Rivers Trust
This week’s edition looks at the Sligo Rivers Trust project and goes on location with one of its members – presented by Aisling Heraughty