Sligo-Leitrim Count 9: Paddy O’Rourke eliminated

The ninth count has been completed in Sligo-Leitrim with no candidate yet reaching the quota of 11,381.

Fine Gael’s Frank Feighan continues to lead the way with 10,2-16 after Count 9.

Sinn Fein’s Martin Kenny is on 8927 while Independent Ireland’s Michael Clarke is on 7,297 and now almost certain to win a seat.

Fianna Fáil’s Eamon Scanlon is also on course to regain the seat he lost four years ago – he’s on 7,297.

Despite collecting 1,103 transfers from Marie Casserly in Count 9, Independent Marian Harkin appears to have too much ground to make up on Michael Clarke – and looks very likely now to lose her seat.

Eamon Scanlon’s running mate Edel McSharry earlier declared herself out of contention, and Chris MacManus’ hopes of securing a second seat for Sinn Féin have now faded.

View the full Count 9 here.

Watch continuing live coverage here.
