Celebrating Constance Markievicz

‘My enemies will make a monster out of me, my friends a heroine and both will be equally wide of the truth’: Constance Markievicz.

Ocean FM is proud to celebrate one of Sligo’s most famous daughters and revolutionaries, Constance Markievicz, with the broadcast of CONSTANCE, a unique and powerful documentary drama that explores her often enigmatic and controversial life and legacy.

Constance Markievicz also blazed a trail in politics, becoming the first woman to be appointed as a Cabinet Minister in Ireland and indeed in all of Europe. In Ireland, fewer than twenty five women have followed in her footsteps. Hear the opinions of this select group of women on Constance, life in politics and the place of women in Ireland today.

All Podcasts can be found on SpotifyApple PodcastSoundcloud or wherever you find your podcasts. Just search OceanFmIreland.

Minister Catherine Martin believes that equality, as pursued by Constance Markievicz, is best achieved by men and women working together.

Frances Fitzgerald reflects on how women’s place in Ireland has changed since Constance Markievicz sat at Cabinet.

Gemma Hussey gives us her opinion on Constance Markievicz and women in politics.

Here Minister Helen McEntee talks about female role models and life in politics.

Jan O’Sullivan talks about Irish women from past and present as influential leaders and idealists

Joan Burton recalls how she was inspired by an early family affinity with the women of the revolutionary period.

Minister Josepha Madigan discusses how societal values can move us towards equal representation for women.

Katherine Zappone tells how Constance’s spirit and belief in social equality resonates in her own life.

Mary Coughlan tells us how the life of Constance Markievicz inspired her from an early age.

Mary Hanafin sees the enduring importance of examples, such as that set by Constance Markievicz, for inspiring women in Ireland today.

Mary Harney expresses her admiration for Constance as a woman of her time, fighting for a better society.

Mary Mitchell O’Connor tells us how important female leaders are and feels we should all keep striving to achieve equality.

Mary O’Rourke tells how her Sligo roots led to a lasting connection with Constance Markievicz.

Niamh Breathnach sees Constance Markievicz and her ideals as challenging us to pursue a more equal society across all aspects of our nation.

Nora Owen expresses her belief that women can be drivers of real change in all areas of society and politics.

Senator Regina Doherty outlines the importance of strong role models, such as Constance Markievicz, for achieving equality today.

Minister Pippa Hackett takes pleasure in the voice and personality of Constance as found in her letters, speaking across the decades to reach us.

All Podcasts can be found on SpotifyApple PodcastSoundcloud or wherever you find your podcasts. Just search OceanFmIreland.


