The number of people signing on the live register in the North West reached it’s lowest for the month of February since 2008.
However, there was a slight increase in the number of Under 25s signing on in Sligo from January to February of this year.
Just over 20,000 people signed on the live register in Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim in February, the lowest number year on year since 2008.
It’s also a decrease from the previous month when almost 20,500 signed on across the three counties.
Donegal had the highest figure with slightly more than 14,000 people seeking work compared to 2,300 in Leitirm and 3,800 in Sligo.
478 people under the age of 25 signed on in Sligo last month, an increase of 11 on January’s figures.
It was he only increase across the board in the North West as 242 in Leitrim and almost 1,800 in Donegal claimed for February.
12,250 over the age of 25 were registered on social welfare in Donegal, down 152 from the previous month’s figures.
Leitrim and Sligo also showed decreases with 2,100 and 3,350 respectively over the age of 25 signed on.
Figures from the Central Statistics Office show the number of claimants fell nationally by 2,800 in February to stand at 276,000, the lowest level in nine years.