The A.G.M. will take place on Sunday 8th January at 6pm, in St. Nathy’s Hall, Mullinabreena. New members are welcome.
The Scor Na Nog Table quiz will take place on Sunday 22nd January at 4pm, in Corhownagh Hall, Ballisodare. Anyone interested in taking part should contact Eugene Henry or any Club Officer.
November lotto draw- Jackpot – €4,400 . Numbers 02, 09, 12, 34 No Winner, Match 3 winners, Aisling, Dara, Enda and Criostoir Davey, Chaffpool. Joanne o Grady, Coolaney, Ian Henry, Lavagh.
Lotto tickets for 2017 will be on sale in the coming week from the usual sellers. This is the Club’s main fundraiser and your continued support is greatly appreciated.
We wish all our players, coaches, members and supporters a happy new year.